Basic Mental Health First Aid & Substance Use Disorders
- Common mental health problems
- basic steps of mental health first aid
- What are substance use disorders?
- Symptoms and risk factors
- Emergency first aid for overdose
- Mental health first aid for substance use disorders
- What is Depression?
- Signs & Symptoms of depression
- Risk factors for depression
- Alcohol, drugs and depression
- Emergency first aid for suicidal behaviour
- Mental health first aid for depression
- Support & Treatment and information
Anxiety disorders
- What are Anxiety Disorders?
- Signs & Symptoms of anxiety disorders
- Risk factors for anxiety disorders
- Alcohol, drugs and anxiety disorders
- Emergency first aid for panic attacks
- Emergency first aid for acute stress reaction
- Mental health first aid for anxiety disorders
- Support & Treatment and information
Psychotic Disorders
- What are Psychotic Disorders?
- Signs & Symptoms of psychotic disorders
- Risk factors for psychosis
- Alcohol, drugs and psychotic disorders
- Emergency first aid for acute psychosis
- Mental health first aid for psychosis
- Support & Treatment and information
- Other examples and forms of distress
Exact contents and session lengths can be tailored for clients individual requirements.